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Royal National Life-Boat Institution Balance Sheet As at 31st December 1971

BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31st DECEMBER, 1971 FIXED ASSETS (Note 1) Premises (offices and staff houses) at cost less amounts written off: Freehold Leasehold £ 166,679 49,906 216,585 1970 £ 146,338 54,995 201,333 INVESTMENTS At market value on 31st December, 1971 (1970 at market value on 31st December, 1966, with subsequent additions at cost): Endowment Fund (Charities Official Investment Fund) . . . . 286,186 Other Funds (Note 3) 2,430,875 (Market value 1970 £2,250,731) 2,717,061 2,933,646 NET CURRENT ASSETS Taxation recoverable Prepaid expenses Staff housing loans Short-term deposits Balances at banker and cash in hand.

Less: accrued expenses TOTAL ASSETS 16,472 2,119 48,425 625,000 205,655 897,671 14,74-8 882,923 3,816,569 Represented by: ENDOWMENT FUNDS (Note 4) (from which only the income is available for expenditure in accordance with donors' directions) RESTRICTED FUNDS (Note 5) (to be applied as directed by donors) 286,186 823,443 1,109,629 994,118 RESERVE FOR CAPITAL EXPENDITURE (Note 6) .

PROVISION FOR MANUAL WORKERS PENSION SCHEME (Note 7) 2,386,940 320,000 £3,816,569 320,000 £2,948,029 Notes to the Accounts are given on pages 320 and 321..