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Dunaine and Carmel

TUG SAVED RHYL, Flintshire, life-boat was told on 28th June, 1971, that a vessel was in difficulties off Llandulas and in danger of being washed ashore.

The life-boat Har Lil was launched at 12.35 p.m.

in a strong west north westerly wind and a rough sea.

She made for Llandulas and found the fishing vessel Dunaine attempting to take the tug Carmel Head of Holyhead, which had only one man on board, in tow as her engine had broken down.

The life-boat passed a line to the Carmel Head and assisted with the tow towards Rhyl. While they were approaching Rhyl harbour the fishing vessel's engine failed and she dropped the tow.

The life-boat coxswain, after putting two men aboard the Dunaine, decided that there was insufficient water for them to enter Rhyl and set a course for Mostyn.

The Dunaine, whose engine had been restarted, came up with the life-boat and assisted with the tow but her engine failed again so she dropped the tow and followed the life-boat and tug to Mostyn. When both vessels were safely berthed the life-boat returned to her station, arriving at 7 o'clock. One of the tug's crew, who had jumped overboard to secure a line to a buoy to hold the tug pending the arrival of the lifeboat, later swam ashore and landed safely..