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Book Corner

0 Shipwreck by Vcra Cumberlege (Andre Deutsch, 95p) is a very well illustrated children's book. Young Jim knew he would never forget the day his father and the rest of the life-boat crew rowed out to a wreck for the last time before the powered boat arrived. It had nearly cost his father's life, and he suddenly understood why the powered boat was so urgently needed. As a small girl the author, Vera Cumberlege, watched this shipwreck and it left a lasting impression. The publisher, in sending a copy of the book for review, said: 'The illustrator of this book, Maurice Yardley, we know received considerable help from the R.N.L.I.

for his drawings, for which we are all most o " grateful'.

0 The first issue of Greenwich Times: The East Coast Digest reached us in April and we hasten to say that this interesting new quarterly may be ordered from Greenwich Times Subscription Department, 7 Nelson Road, Greenwich, London, S.E.10, for an annual subscription of £2, post paid, for four issues. Issue No. 1 contains some fascinating material including articles on Wapping-on-Thames, collecting ships in bottles, a brief history of Lowestoft's maritime museum, wildlife on the Thames marshes, tales of old Greenwich and so on.—C.R.E..