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The Central Appeals Committee

THE Central Appeals Committee, whose chairman is Mr. R. N. Crumbie, 126a High Street, Orpington, Kent, continues to develop new fund raising measures on behalf of the R.N.L.I.

The national sponsored swim, arranged by the C.A.C. and run by the R.N.L.I, in conjunction with the Amateur Swimming Associationand the Welsh Amateur Swimming Association in 1971, proved very successful and has been extended to 30th June, 1972 to allow outdoor swimming clubs to participate.

The final figure for the 1971 national sponsored walk is not yet available. However, its success has been great and branches are being invited to plan a similar event this year. No definite date for the walk is being fixed, branches being free to hold it on any convenient date.

The Tesco Supermarket green shield scheme in the south ended on 2nd January, 1972, and a similar arrangement for the collection of stamps and cash has been allowed in the northern region, north of a line from Bristol to Norwich, to take place shortly. Full details of the southern results will be given in the next issue of the Journal.

Details of the London sponsored sail, being held in conjunction with the Welsh Harp Sailing Association and under the control of the C.A.C., can be found in the Y.L.A. news on page 262.

The C.A.C. is looking into the possibility of running charity greyhound race meetings at various centres, the R.N.L.I, providing the sponsorships.

Mr. D. M. Raven, 61 The Grove, West Wickham, Kent BR4 9JY (Tel: 01 777 7110), has joined the C.A.C. as representative for London South of the Thames District..