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Some Ways

Mrs. B. E. Ragg, of Kenilworth, is 76 years old and during the four days of the Royal Show last year collected nearly £160. Considering that the weather throughout the show was extremely hot, for a 76-year-old collecting for Jive or six hours it was a remarkable exhibition of her devotion to the life-boat service.

In the summer the Portsdown branch of the R.N.L.I. held a water safety fair at Hilsea. During the programme there were a number of demonstrations, one being by the Eastney ILB. Proceeds for the R.N.L.I. totalled £424. It was such a success that thedate for the 1972 event has already been decided: 2nd July.

In the summer a black labrador called 'Jinks', owned by Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cooil, of Castletown, I.o.M., was swept out to sea entangled in a net which covered a lobster marker float. The dog, which could not break free from the net, was finally rescued by the Port St. Mary ILB. In appreciation the owners sent the R.N.L.I. £5.Hard Sell The following discussion between an R.N.L.I.

helper and two customers took place at the recent Guernsey Trades Fair where £660 was raised for the life-boat service. When asked if they would buy a small souvenir to help support the life-boats, a young couple replied: 'No, we always travel by air and do not use the life-boat'.

The helper then said: 'Even an aeroplane can come down in the sea . The pair replied: 'We always land at an airport'. Apparently the pair were being absolutely serious!.