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R.N.L.I. Active In Spanish Waters

LAST year the R.N.L.I, sent two of its latest life-boats to Spain, the mission following a visit to this country by a Spanish Red Cross delegation to investigate the structure of the R.N.L.I, and to look at various types of lifeboats.

The Spanish have now set up a new voluntary life-saving society, which is known as The Spanish Red Cross of the Sea.

The first R.N.L.I, life-boat to go to Spain last year was the 52-foot Arun class boat (see cover January, 1972, Journal). She was followed by the new 48-foot 6-inch Solent, The Royal British Legion Jubilee.

The Solent life-boat, in the course of her Spanish voyaging, took part in two services.

First call was on llth October, 1971, when Lieutenant G. R. Cooper, R.N.R., who was then the Institution's Staff Officer in command of The Royal British Legion Jubilee stationed temporarily at La Coruna, Spain, received a call from the local radio station that a 'Mayday' distress signal had been received from the Spanish trawler Carmen Vilarino. She had run on to the rocks in the vicinity of Torre de Hercules light in thick fog and her crew had taken to their boat.

The life-boat's outward passage was made in thick fog with visibility at about 300 yards.

The search area was reached at 3.55 a.m. and searching started at Punta Dormideras at a disha,tance of about one cable. At 4 a.m. a small light was sighted close in shore about two cables north north east of Punta Dormideras.

This light was closed and two men in a small open rowing boat with an inflatable raft containing five men in tow were found. The men and boats were taken aboard the life-boat.

The survivors said there was another inflatable raft with six men, slightly to the north of their position. The search was continued and at about 4.20 a.m. a fishing boat was sighted. It was ascertained that they had picked up the remaining six men and the life raft.

The trawler, not having any radar, requested an escort back to Coruna. Both life-boat and trawler secured alongside at Coruna at about 5.20 a.m..