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International Hull Scrubbing Team: Holidaymakers Joined With Valentia, Kerry, Crewmen to Scrub and Paint the Underside of the Hull of the Rowland Watts, the Local 52-Foot Barnett Life-Boat Which

International hull scrubbing team: holidaymakers joined with Valentia, Kerry, crewmen to scrub and paint the underside of the hull of the Rowland Watts, the local 52-foot Barnett life-boat which was built in 1957. In the picture are (left to right) John Curtin (reserve mechanic), Albert Pull (Eastbourne), Coxswain Dermot Walsh, Joe Houlihan (mechanic), Des Lavelle (2nd Coxswain), Joe McCarthy (Connecticut), Pat Groves (Edinburgh) and Mike Benison (Dingle)..

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