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Many voluntary workers with long associations with the R.N.L.I. can remember when they first became interested in the life-boat service. Certainly nowadays every effort is made in schools all over the country to interest children in the epic story of Britain's life-boats. There is, for instance, a good example of such 'inspiration' given on page 288 and signed by Emily and Sarah, both aged eight. The small boy on this month's cover, with R.N.L.I. blazoned across his chest, is Paul, now 3 , the son of Mr. Anthony K. Oliver, District Organising Secretary, Southern, and Mrs. Christine Oliver, both of whom have family connection with the R.N.L.I. going back many years. Paul's mother became honorary secretary of the Portslade ladies life-boat guild at the age of 16 and is believed to have been the youngest guild honorary secretary ever appointed.

The Editor, incidentally, is proud to proclaim young Paul as his godson..

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