Life-Boat Crossword—2
The winners of the October crossword were: 1st prize (watch), Mrs. Laura S. Lamb, Lloyds Bank House, Broadway, Worcs.; 2nd prize (£1), Mr. J. A. Porter, 149 Coast Drive, Lydd-on-Sea, Kent; 3rd prize (£1), Mr. P. S.
Jukes, Richmond Hill School, Richmond, Yorkshire. Solution to crossword was: Across: 1-Souweslcr, 7-Hail, 8-Mouse, 9-Aclo, 10-Dent, 11-Chaotir, 14-Ensign, 15-Client, 17-Royalty, 21-Islc, 22-Taj, 23-Cranc, 24- Vart, 25-Annotated. Down: 1-Sumac, 2-Uvula, 3-Elect, 4-Trance, 5-Rhodesia, 6- Midnight, 12-Helmsman, 13-Operetta, 16-Trojan, 18-Yacht, 19-Least, 20-Yield.
r CO ec co LU O CO CO - o a i, a 0 I P c a -o -a | a x L. u J3 g Across 1-Salt of the Earth! (4-7) 7-Fruit (6) 8-Line up a mixed naval message without direction (5) 9-Does this backward Spanish gent assent? (3) 12-Emily has medal that is following East (5) 13-Burlesque (6) 15-Contraction of the pupil (6) 16-Appraise (5) 17-It's rough back in this hostility (3) 20-Sphere of action (5) 21-Hot whistler (6) 22-Blue cesspit (anag) (11) Down 1—Mill water course (4) 2-The young ass! (4) 3-1 Across may proffer it, if needs be (6) 4-College (7) 5-Upright, but rigged (8) 6-Trash, but not garbage (8) 10-One-eyed, do you see? (8) 11-Belt them, but rest ours loosely (8) 14-Golours (7) 15-Selling location (6) 18-Counterfoil (4) 19-Stick 'em, up? Name Address.
All entries, together with entry fee of 15p, to be sent to: R.N.L.I., I St. Martin's Lane, Micklegate, York.
in sealed envelopes marked 'Life-boat Crossword' to reach that office no later than Monday, 7th February, 1972.
For the senders of the first three correct solutions opened, there will be prizes of £ each.
No entrant may win more than one prize.
In all respects the decision of the R.N.L.I, will be final.
The correct solution and prize-winners' names will be published in the next quarterly issue of the Journal..