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Jenny III, Happening

ENGINE TROUBLE It was learned on 7th August, 1971, that the Dutch Barge Jenny III, with a crew of four, had been standing by the East Goodwin lightvessel during the night with engine trouble. Arrangements to tow the barge were made with a local boat Rosena and a rendezvous between the two craft was planned. The barge finally left the East Goodwins, under sail, but the skipper of the Rosena now considered that the weather had deteriorated to an extent that made towing hazardous.

The life-boat Canadian Pacific, on temporary duty at Ramsgate, Kent, slipped her moorings and headed for the casualty at 11.36 a.m. in a strong south south westerly wind with a rough sea.

At 11.49 a message was received from the Coastguard helicopter at Manston that a motor boat was in difficulties and in need of assistance 400 yards from the barge Jenny III. The life-boat then found and took the motor boat Happening in tow. The Jenny III had up to this time been making good progress but it was now seen that she had turned round under the North Foreland and was again in difficulties. The life-boat made for her and at 1.14 p.m. a line was put onboard. The life-boat returned to her station at 3 o'clock with both casualties in tow..