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Dr. E. H. Sears, of Minstead, Lyndhurst, Hampshire, Is Well Known to the R.N.L.I, for His Life-Boat Paintings. He Has Exhibited and Sold Pictures at Exhibitions Run By the Royal Society of Marine Arti

Dr. E. H. Sears, of Minstead, Lyndhurst, Hampshire, is well known to the R.N.L.I, for his life-boat paintings. He has exhibited and sold pictures at exhibitions run by the Royal Society of Marine Artists, Royal Institute of Oil Painters, Royal Society of British Artists, Pastel Society, New Art Club, Paris Salon and Royal Academy. The painting (above), and being executed by the artist (right), shows the Walmer life-boat, Charles Dibdin (Civil Service No. 32), standing by the stranded tanker, Panther, in March last year (THE LIFE-BOAT, July, 1971, pages 127 and 150)..

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