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A remarkable demonstration of service has come to the notice of the R.N.L.I, at Douglas, Isle of Man. The devoted helper, who was physically handicapped, was 15-year old David Kelly who died in November.

It is understood that on 30th July, 1970, David was at his post in the boathouse when he received a telephone call from the Coastguard.

Although crippled and on crutches he immediately set off to find the life-boat mechanic who was working on the quay. The mechanic fired the maroons and the crew assembled.

There was no delay in launching and the lifeboat reached the casualty, the pleasure boat Mary Anne, whose engine had broken down while she was still clear of the rocks. The 74 passengers were taken off without difficulty. In the opinion of ex-Coxswain R. Lee some loss of life would probably have occurred if the actions of David had not been 'so quick, efficient and, in view of his physical handicap, courageous'.

David returned as boathouse attendant in the summer of 1971 and, in spite of increasing pain and infirmity, succeeded in selling the largest amount of souvenirs ever sold in Douglas.

David was suitably thanked by the R.N.L.I, for his action in 1970 and for his subsequent help at the boathouse..