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Anneliese K

COASTER ON ROCKS At 11.8 p.m. on 27th July, 1971, a German coaster was reported aground north of Staithes.The Runswick, Yorkshire, life-boat The Royal Thames was launched at 11.35. She found the motor vessel Anneliese K aground on Whitestone rocks under Boulby cliff in thick fog. Parachute flares were fired to indicate the exact position to the cliff rescue party who were standing by to take off two women and two children at low water.

At 1.40 a.m. the vessel's captain told the coxswain that he wished his passengers to be transferred to the life-boat, and at 4.40 there was sufficient water for the life-boat to go alongside.

The two women, two children and four crew members were rescued and taken to Staithes.

The life-boat then returned to the casualty at 5 o'clock and assisted the tug Erimus Cross to passlines aboard to the captain and mate still on board. As the tug was unable to refloat the German coaster, the life-boat returned to her station at 9.11..