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A Radio Controlled Life-Boat

During the 'open day' arranged by the Port of Liverpool branch in aid of the R.N.L.I., an interesting demonstration was given in which a model life-boat aided a model trawler on the boating lake at Hoylake.

The scale models were made by Mr. E. Potter, of Moreton, and everything in them was radio controlled.

A vivid commentary was given by Mr. J. Watson, one of the Hoylake life-boat crew members. The demonby stration contributed greatly to the £78 which was raised on this occasion. Mr. Potter, the following week, went to Ostend to compete for England in the international model power boat competition. He has since given further demonstrations and money has been collected for the R.N.L.I.—in fact, his life-boat has raised well over £100 and he has promised to give more demonstrations (see picture)..