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MEMBER MAKES SAVE MEMBER No. 4992-F, Mr. P. V. Wright, Newtownards, Co. Down, in his 28 ft converted ship's boat Wavechaser effected a dramatic rescue of three people in a stiff wind and heavy sea in Strangford Lough on 15th July. We would like to congratulate him on a fine piece of seamanship and express the hope that he persuaded the three people concerned to enrol as members of the Y.L.A.

Mr. Wright, who is a farm manager, made the rescue in his 28-foot converted ship's lifeboat.

He was at the local yacht club when he his companions heard cries for help.

Mr. Wright said afterwards: 'We went in spite of the bad weather and saw a girl in punt crying out and waving frantically attract attention. We went towards her and justas we got there her boat capsized.' The girl told them that she had gone out with her brother-in-law to secure their speedboat which was drifting. She said that after dropping an oar into the water her brother stripped and dived in after it.

The girl said that he then swam across to the speedboat but was unable to climb aboard and so he headed back towards the shore.

'At this stage', said Mr. Wright, 'a man on the shore saw the other man in trouble and he too dived in to help him. On our way back towards the shore with the girl we picked up the other two men. One of them was waving but the other was in no condition to wave.' Artificial respiration was applied to one of the men and a doctor was called.

NEW FILM Towards the end of June, the Association was actively involved in the production of the film 'Lifeline' sponsored by Martell. Filming took place at Lymington and involved the Yarmouth life-boat and the Lymington IRB as well as some dramatic capsizes of racing dinghies.

The film will be available for sailing club audiences and others during the coming winter.

Club secretaries wishing to make up their winter programmes should make early bookings for a showing of 'Lifeline'.

QUESTIONNAIRE In the January issue we intend to submit a simple questionnaire asking for members' views on the question of Association insignia.

BOAT SHOW Members attending the International Boat Show at Earl's Court, 4th to 15th January, 1972 are cordially invited to visit the Association desk on the R.N.L.I. stand. On Saturday, 8th January, Miss Nicolette Milnes-Walker, who recently sailed the Atlantic single-handed, will be present at the stand.APPEAL ALL members of the Yachtsmen's Life-boat Supporters' Association are asked to do their utmost to follow up the Y.L.A. chairman's appeal on page 155. Address of the Y.L.A.

office is 29A Castle Street, Salisbury, Wiltshire.

(Tel: Salisbury 6966 (STD 0722).

CODE OF CONDUCT The Cruising Association, of Chiltern Court, Baker Street, London, NW1 5TG, have issued ' A Code of conduct for cruising yachtsmen'.

The Code gives advice under the following headings: Preparing for Sea, At Sea, In Harbour and Customs.

Preparing for Sea is here reproduced in full: As skipper you have a moral responsibility to ensure that your vessel and her crew are so prepared that all are fit to survive the worst conditions.

Consider especially the following: Sea cocks, cockpit drains bilge pumps and adjoining plumbing.

Gas and liquid fuel pipes and joints.

Efficient and adequate means of signalling distress by night or day.

Aids to indicating the presence of your vessel, namely white flares, powerful torch, fog horn and properly sited radar reflector.

Adequate type and number of fire extinguishers immediately accessible wherever fire may break out.

Two anchors of suitable size with plenty of chain and warps.

Reefing gear and other heavy weather equipment.

Lifejackets or effective personal buoyancy and safety harness for all the crew.

Lifebuoys with marker-lights; if space and funds permit an inflatable liferaft.

Medical first aid supplies.

Tool kit and spares of all sorts including engine fuel.

Up-to-date compass deviation table.

Charts, corrected up-to-date, pilot books and tidal data, not only for the area of your proposed cruise, but also for adjacent areas where you may need to seek a harbour of refuge.

Prominent display of your vessel's name.

Copies of the Code may be obtained from the Cruising Association, price 5p each, 50p for 25 copies, or £1.75 for 100 copies..