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'snowball' Parties

The following idea for 'snowball' dinner parties has come from the Younger Committee of the Central London Women's Committee: each member who is prepared to take part in this project gives 75p and invites a number of friends, who are themselves in turn prepared to give a dinner party in aid of the R.N.L.I. (this fact must be explained to the friends concerned). Each guest pays 75p to the host/hostess (who does not, of course, pay when giving his/her party as he/she will have already done so as a guest).

The first round of dinner parties will be for five guests, the second for four, the third for three, the fourth for two and the last for oneguest. After attending a dinner party each guest becomes a host/hostess for the next round and so on.

Each member of the committee taking part is responsible for collecting the money from their initial guests and should then send a cheque made out to the R.N.L.I., to Miss V. Edey at Lifeboat House..