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In June a Spanish Life-Boat Delegation, Led By the Conde De Toreno, President of the Spanish Red Cross Society, Visited England. Here the Party Is Pictured at Life-Boat House, London, With (Left T

In June a Spanish life-boat delegation, led by the Conde de Toreno, president of the Spanish Red Cross Society, visited England. Here the party is pictured at Life-boat House, London, with (left to right) Captain Nigel Dixon, Secretary of the R.N.L.I., Commander F. R. H. Swann, O.B.E., R.N.V.R., deputy chairman of the R.N.L.I., Conde de Toreno, Mr. Juan A. Tormo, Rear Admiral Enrique Amador and Lieutenant Commander W. L. G. Dutton, R.D., R.N.R., Chief inspector of Life-boats..

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