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Beetle Drive

THE WRECKERS recently returned to the popular Devonshire holiday resort of Ilfracombe, but these particular plunderers were strictly landlubbers who had managed to smuggle their way into timbers within the local life-boat station.

It was Mr. R. Hanney, timber infestation surveyor for Rentokil Laboratories Limited, Plymouth, who first identified the wreckers of wood as the common- furniture beetle (anobium punctatum). The roof timbers, cat-walk and certain crewmembers' lockers all showed evidence of attack. Following Mr. Hanney's report and recommendations, Rentokil were commissioned to carry out the task of eradication.

A team of skilled technicians moved in with special equipment to deal with the culprits. It was necessary for the life-boat to be towed from the station on to the small quay, to facilitate treatment within the station, and items such as waders, life-jackets and oilskins were also removed from the roof hangers. The walls were swatched in plastic dust sheets for protection while the affected timbers were cleaned down.

The technicians then sprayed the timbers with penetrating insecticide. This will serve a dual purpose: it will completely eradicate the existing attack, and prevent reinfestation. Rentokil guarantee their work for 20 years..