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FUND RAISING BALL PENS for FUND RAISERS. Up to 50% profit on our printed ball pens. Send lOp for samples and Christmas Colour Catalogue of over 200 New Fund Raising ideas.

LESWYN CARDS (Dept LB) Sutton Coldfield, Warwickshire.

Fund raising with 200% profit on outlay! Send stamp for catalogue of imprinted ball-pens and 20 other quicksellers.

Provincial Supplies, Chesham, Bucks.

FUND RAISERS!! FREE-Colour catalogue of Christmas card packs, calendars, decorations, gifts. Highest profits.

Send to-day and raise funds fast with LESWYN (Dept.

LB) Sutton Coldfield, Warwickshire.

TRAILERS There is a Tollbridge Trailer to carry all craft from 3 cwts.

to 8 tons. Tollbridge Engineering Ltd., Lymington, Hants.

Tel: 2252.

TROPHIES RACE SETS — MAINSAILS — DIXGHYS — CUPS W. & E. Astin, 7 Westerley Lane, Shelley, Huddersfield, Kirkburton 2366.

SAILING HOLIDAYS EXPERT TUITION JUNIORS AND ADULTS POOLE SCHOOL OF SAILING, 43 Panorama Road, Sandbanks, Poole, Dorset, Tel: Canford Cliffs 79231.

HIRE AND CHARTER SHANNON SAILING, SHANNON CRUISING. Finest holiday afloat, brochure and booking form from Holland Supercraft. 36 Strathfield Gardens, Barking, Essex.

01-594 8258.

FOR SALE Advertising pencils, superb ball pens, combs, brushes, each gold stamped Life-boat name, etc., raise funds, quickly, easily. Bran Tub Toys: samples. Northern Novelties, Bradford 2 (BD2 3AF)..