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Annual Service Awards

The James Michael Bower Endowment Fund was established in 1955 by the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company as a memorial to James Michael Bower, late third officer of the s.s. Stratheden, who lost his life in a disaster. Awards from the fund are made to those who receive the gold or silver medal of the R.N.L.I, for gallantry.

This year's awards were made to: Coxswain Matthew Lethbridge, St. Mary's, Scilly Isles; Coxswain Dermot Walsh, Valentia, Co. Kerry; and Coxswain Stephen Whittle, Dunmore East, Co. Wexford. All three men were awarded the silver medal of the Institution.

The Maud Smith Bequest is intended for the bravest act of life-saving carried out by a member of a life-boat crew. This was awarded to crew member Mr. David Brunton, Dunbar, East Lothian, who spontaneously dived into the sea from the life-boat without waiting to attach a life-line, and swam to the aid of a man.

The Maud Smith Bequest is an annual award made according to the terms of a will by the Committee of Management of the R.N.L.I.

The Ralph Glister Award is made under the terms of a gift for the most meritorious service of the year performed by the crew of an IRB. The award this year was made to the crew of the Walmer IRB consisting of Mr. Cyril Williams, Mr. Leslie Coe and Mr. Charles Taylor. The Walmer IRB went to the aid of two German students cut off by the tide in a cave..