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University Marine Ltd.

Zodiac Inflatables, the incomparable blow-up boats from France are portable, rigid and designed to be directionally stable with full manoeuvrability. What's more they are long lasting-designed to operate in continuous rugged conditions.

Evinrude Outboards. What can we say? Pleasure proved through - out the world. You can choose from eight models with the acceleration and handling characteristics to pull from one to eight skiers with reliable starting and bags of oomph to get you up quickly and easily.

Uniseal Wetsuits. This is a new one. So good in manufacture and design that we just had to sell them. They're tailored to fit comfortably in a choice of sizes, built to last with stitched, welded and taped seams from the finest quality materials.

We make only one claim — they are _ • • '••••••a no better than the best. ~Please send me fu ..... ustrated details of the " • following items: — rt * ZODIAC D EVINRUDE Q UNISEAL D " I Name __ | Address Sole concessionaires for Evinrude, Zodiac and Uniseal University Marine Ltd., Silverdale Road, Hayes, Middx..