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Some Ways of Raising Money

The Public Relations Officer of the R.N.L.I., Mr. Patrick Howarth gave 'readings from his autobiography in verse, 'Play Back a Lifetime'' at the George Hotel, Beaconsfield, on 5th February. It was the world premiere and the proceeds from the reading— over £50—went towards a radar set for the Valentia, Kerry life-boat.

In forwarding to the R.J .L.I. a cheque for over £142. the Droitwich ladies' life-boat guild explained that the money was collected as a result of a sponsored swim by the Droitwich Dolphin Swimming Club.

So numerous were the requests for a cutting from a beautiful specimen of a busy lizzie plant (dark red), which adorned the reception office counter of the Humberston Fifties holiday camp, that the wife of the honorary secretary of the Humberstone IRB station decided to take cuttings, pot them and offer for sale in aid of station funds. A total of just over £7 was raised in this way ''before the original plant finally capitulated and died for the worthy cause'.During the past four years the head barman at the Pomme d'Or Hotel in St. Helier, Channel Islands, has been raffling fluffy animals for the benefit of the life-boat. Toy animals are donated by a local toy shop.

In the first year Mr. George Harrington, the barman concerned, collected in the region of £250. Last year the R. '.L.I. received over £800.

'hen the Theatre Royal, Windsor, staged 'Aladdin' at Christmas, a character in the pantomime was 'transformed into collecting for the life-boat service for the rest of his stage performance'. Collecting boxes were provided for the event.

Mrs. Mary Bunce, of Lloyd Road, Taverharn, Norwich, allowed her painting of Captain Manby's cottage at Gorleston to be raffled in aid of the R.N.L.I.

It made over £19 in a Wp raffle. Mrs. Bunce also presented another painting to help raise funds for the life-boat service. It was a picture of the old Longhope, Orkney, life-boat T.G.P. and lOp raffle tickets were sold throughout Orkney..