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Parsons Engineering Co. Ltd.

This could mean trouble....

. . . unless you have an engine you can rely on.

With a Parsons marine diesel you know your engine won't let you down in a crisis — or at any time. You can depend on it.

The expertise and know-how Parsons have gained from 70 years experience in the business has built up for them a world-wide reputation for quality, ruggedness and reliability. They produce a range of craftsman built diesel engines, for pleasure or commercial craft, from 60 s.h.p. to 1 77 s.h.p.

with one thing in common - all of them share the same high standards of performance and dependable quality engineering. Parsons also give, in every maritime country, the complete service facilities only a big established company is able to.

Why not send for our marine diesel engine brochures and find out just how much trouble you could be avoiding with trouble-free Parsons marine engines.

r — — The Parsons Engineering Company Limited 1 8 20 Lakedale Road, Plumstead Road, London SE. 18.

Helen Street, Glasgow S.W.1, Please sond me of your marine diese) engine brochures..