Classification of Service Launches of Inshore Rescue Boats for 1970 Compared With 1969
Classification of service launches of inshore rescue boats for 7970 compared with 7969 :ls ing merchant vessels e merchant vessels il fishing vessels 'easurc craft asure craft jropelled pleasure cralt No.
1 — 1 34 236 322 144 10 1969 % of total 0.1 • -- 0.1 2.7 19.5 26.6 12.0 0.8 No.
1 5 4 51 309 424 181 4 1970 % of total 0.1 0.3 0.3 3.6 21.7 29.9 12.8 0.3 1—Naval vessels 2—Foreign 3 Home t: 4 — Comme 5—Powerec 6—Sailing 7—Manual 8—Aircraft 9—Hovercraft, hydrofoils or other amphibious craft 10 Boring rigs 11 —Conveyance of sick or injured people and/or doctors 12—Relief of lightvesscls, etc.
13—People stranded or who have fallen off cliffs 14—Bathers, skin divers and water skiers, etc.
15—Animals 16—Unidentified distress signals 17— Miscellaneous, not fitting into any of the above categories Totals 134 124 2 32 159 1,211 10.3 0.2 2.7 100.0 1969 1970 Analysis of Services Effective Non-Effective 557 654 764 653 0.1 0.6 8.1 8.7 0.4 2.3 10.8 100.0.