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Baptised at Sea

In December Sally Jane, the third child of Mr. Anthony Warnock, the mechanic of the Seaham life-boat, and Mrs. Kathleen Warnock, was baptised aboard the local life-boat.

With Coxswain Arthur Farrington at the wheel, Mr. Warnock at the engine controls, and the Vicar of St. John's Church, Seaham, the Rev. V. Roy Brain, aboard, the life-boat bore Sally Jane to a point half a mile from shore where the boat heaved to for Mr. Brain to baptise the baby with water from an upturned ship's bell, which was used as a font.

After the ceremony, which was attended by the child's mother, Mrs. Farrington and Mrs.

Cecilia Murley, wife of a crew member, who were the godparents, the life-boat landed Sally Jane and continued on its practice run.

Note: The young lady also received a silver christening mug. It was presented on behalf of the crew by one of their number, Mr. Raymond Riddell..