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At the Blast of Royal National Life-Boat Institution Whistles, Teams of Women and Schoolgirls Drawn from Around Bournemouth and Poole Began Furiously Knitting Blanket Squares at Sponsored Kni

At the blast of Royal National Life-boat Institution whistles, teams of women and schoolgirls drawn from around Bournemouth and Poole began furiously knitting blanket squares at sponsored knitins held simultaneously at Beales of Poole and Bealesons of Bournemouth last year. All the four-inch squares knitted during the various sessions were given to Shelter, and the money collected for the knit-ins—each knitter had to recruit a minimum of 10 sponsors— was received by Commander Max Cunningham on behalf of the R.N.L.I. The three best individual knitters at each session went forward to a finale knit-off at Beales of Poole. The outright winner was Mrs. S. E. Turner, a Swiss member of the Tangent Club of Bournemouth..

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