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The Central Appeals Committee

THE first target of the Central Appeals Committee is to raise over £75,000 of new money during the present financial year. The R.N.L.I.'s estimate of income provides for receipt of this amount, which is part of the £550,000 target the C.A.C. has set itself in the next four years.

A national walk will take place on Sunday, 18th April, 1971. The aim is to get 'The Youth of Britain Walking for the Life-boat'. The potential is enormous. The Wembley branch raised over £900 as a result of their annual walk held on 25th October. At present over 250 branches have indicated their willingness to take part. The central organisation is being undertaken by the C.A.C. Local arrangements will be made by participating branches to a plan of operation suggested by the committee. Mr.

C. F. Chapman, the North of the Thames District representative on the C.A.C., who organised the Wembley walk, is directing the main organisation. All money raised by branches stays to their credit.

Jimmy Savile, the disc jockey, himself a member of the Beaumaris life-boat crew, has offered to help with our publicity. Other national as well as local publicity is being sought.

The national balloon race saw 36,000 balloons released. The labels are coming back from far and wide, including many from overseas.

We will advise the winners in the next edition and state the profit made. This is credited to participating branches' accounts.

Our thanks are due not only to branches who made the effort to raise new money and the public for taking part in the race but also to some 300 people who gave up most of Sunday, 15th November, to inflate, secure and release the balloons and to several public-spirited bodies who gave us facilities for launching them.

Mrs. P. Corrigan, 'Parciau', Marianglas, Anglesey (Tel.: Moelfre 229), whose family has been associated with the Moelfre life-boat for many years, has joined the C.A.C. as representative for North Wales. Due to ill health Captain C. W. Davies has been forced to resign as South Wales representative and Captain T. G. Hornsby, representing the South West, has had to resign through business pressure.

Your fund-raising suggestions are welcome and some are being used. Write to me, Mr.

R. N. Crumbie, chairman, at 28 Chislehurst Road, Kent, if you feel you have a fund-raising suggestion to put forward..