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R.N.L.I.'s Management Review

As part of its constant efforts to mee* increasing demands on its services in the most efficient way possible, the R.N.L.I, has engaged P.A. Management Consultants Ltd. to help draw up a programme to improve the Institution's cost effectiveness and to help prepare a development plan.

Although the Institution has been changing and developing throughout its life, the decisions that it must take in the next year or two may have as fundamental an effect on the future development of the R.N.L.I, as any that it has ever taken.

Basic problems are how the R.N.L.I, can most effectively play its part in search and rescue operations, the role of the organisation in the 70s, and how it should be organised.

Finance is perhaps the most critical problem of all for the Institution, directly affecting all other policy decisions. The consultants' study is expected to be completed by the middle of this year..