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Move to Salisbury

WILL all members please note that the Y.L.A.

has moved office to 29A Castle Street. Salisbury, Wiltshire (Tel.: Salisbury 6966 (STD 0722).

The new office has its links with the marine world as the building is a modern conversion of an old one previously used by a fish merchant.

It lies within 50 yards of the River Avon.

Situated up a small alley in Castle Street, it provides excellent working conditions.

Mr. Alasdair Garrett, who is promoting the Y.L.A., writes: 'All members of the staff have been recruited from the Salisbury district and we are confident that, once familiar with the work, we shall have a cheerful and efficient team to deal with members' enquiries. Any member passing through Salisbury is very welcome to visit the office.

'Membership now stands at 6,300. The best way to support the Association and the life-boat service is for each member to recruit one new full member during 1971. Mark his application form 'introduced by . . .' (followed by your membership number) and qualify for the prize to be awarded to the sponsor of member number 7,000, 8,000 and so on. There will be a special prize for the sponsor of number 10,000! Janusz Zygiert of Poland writes: 'I will want to be a member of the Y.L.A., but haven't any possibilities to send you pounds. I know very much about your activity in saving the people's life and it will be a great honour for me to be a member . . .'. Jan is the Y.L.A.'s first Polish member and, in view of the exchange formalities, he has been enrolled as an honorary member. Y.L.A. colours will therefore be seen in Polish waters next season.

Mr. Garrett adds: 'We have also been pleased to hear from Joakim Paulsen (1364-F) of Oslo.

Mr. Paulsen is engaged in making a scale model of the Cromer life-boat, the Ruby and Arthur Reed. We recently enrolled another American member, Ralph E. Hartman, of Dallas. There are quite a number of Y.L.A. members in the United States and it is most gratifying to receive their support. When American members pay their subscriptions will they please remember that dollar cheques on U.S. banks incur a special surcharge of 80 cents on our side. This amount should be added to their subscription when these are paid.' Mr. J. R. Needham (YLA No. 3268-F) has suggested that Y.L.A. members who own craft on the Thames above Teddington should form a Thames branch of the Association with the object of bringing members together. Members interested should get in touch with the Y.L.A.


At the International Boat Show at Earl's Court, 6/16th January, 1971, the Y.L.A. office will be on the R.N.L.I. stand No. H6. It is hoped that many visitors will enrol at the Y.L.A.

desk. Members are especially welcome..