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A Speed Boat

RUNAWAY SPEEDBOAT THE Clacton-on-Sea, Essex, inshore rescue boat had an unusual service on l l th August when 'the Coastguard informed the honorary secretary that a speedboat was going round in circles' about one and a half miles east of the station. It was thought at first that there was an unconscious man on board.

While making for the speedboat the IRB came up with the pleasure boat Viking Saga with about 60 people on board. The pleasure boat had picked up the speedboat's pilot who, it was learnt, had fallen into the water while clambering aboard from a rowing boat. In falling he had apparently put the speedboat in gear, to the grave peril of the craft and bathers in the vicinity.

He was taken on board the IRB from the pleasure boat and the chase of the speedboat started. Two factors contributed particularly to the difficulties involved: first, the fact that the speedboat was used for towing water skiers and the drag lines were trailing in the water, and, secondly, the speedboat was powered by a 40 h.p. Evinrude engine, the equivalent to the IRB's engine! Twice the IRB crew attempted to return the man to the boat but on each occasion he fell into the sea and had to be picked up again.

Twice the IRB rammed the speedboat in order to deflect her in her course when she appeared likely to crash into the pier. Finally a boathook was borrowed from a fishing boat and by skilful manoeuvring at 20 m.p.h. the gear lever was knocked out of position and the man was, at last, put on board..