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A Dinghy

Life-boat 70-002 at Scapa/Kirkwall was told at 12.19 p.m. on l l t h July that a flat bottomed dinghy was missing from Weyland bay. It was thought that a Norwegian seaman was on board.

The IRB carried aboard the life-boat Grace Paterson Ritchie was transported two and a half miles overland by lorry from Scapa to Kirkwall and launched at 1.16 in a fresh west south westerly wind with a moderate sea. The tide was flooding.

At 1.59 the IRB found the dinghy ashore at Shapinsay. Search was then made in the Helliar Holm area and across the bay as far as Stromberry.

Nothing was found. She returned to Kirkwall at 3.33 and was taken back to Scapa by road. At 4.7 it was learnt that the missing seaman had been found by the police at Stromness..