A Catamaran
When a catamaran capsized on 15th July the Margate, Kent, life-boat North Foreland (Civil Service No. 11) went out in a north westerly gale with a very rough sea.
At about 11.30 a.m. the Trinity House cutter Penlee reported that she had three survivors from the catamaran—a man, his wife and a baby girl. A fourth member of the party, a baby boy,was still missing. The cutter and the life-boat met and the woman, who appeared to be dead, was transferred to the life-boat with difficulty.
Artificial respiration was applied continuously to the woman throughout the life-boat's passage back to Ramsgate but she was found to be dead on arrival.
Earlier an R.A.F. helicopter had approached the life-boat, with the intention of taking the woman, but sea conditions made her transfer impracticable. The helicopter then went off and found the missing boy who, however, did not recover.
A gift of £5 was made by the catamaran's owner to the coxswain and crew of the lifeboat.
A donation of £10 was also made to the Institution's funds..