Advanced search


Great Yarmouth and Gorleston, Norfolk and Lowestoft, Suffolk - At 8.4 a.m. on 13th March, 1970, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that the Dutch coaster Interwave was aground on the Cross Sands bank. The Great Yarmouth and Gorleston life-boat Khami slipped her moorings at 8.10 in a freshnorth easterly wind with a moderate sea. It was shortly after low water.

Visibility was poor with driving rain.

The Lowestoft life-boat Frederick Edward Crick slipped her moorings at 8.30 to assist in the search as a further distress message from the coaster reported that she was on the Gorton bank. An R.A.F. helicopter was also summoned to assist. The Great Yarmouth and Gorleston lifeboat came up with the Interwave at 9.15 on the north west tip of the Scroby sands. She had been located by the helicopter. She was bumping heavily with a heavy swell breaking over her. The Lowestoft life-boat reached the area at 9.30 and stood by while the Khami took off a woman and a little girl from the coaster.

The transfer to the life-boat was accomplished only after a number of attempts. The woman and child were landed at Gorleston, and the Lowestoft life-boat stood by in the meantime. At 2.29 the Lowestoft lifeboat took off four members of the coaster's crew and landed them at Gorleston. She returned to her station at 3.19. The Khami, having refuelled, returned to the grounded vessel. At 4.52 with the tide falling and the ship no longer rolling the two remaining members of her crew were winched to safety by the helicopter and landed at Great Yarmouth. The Khami returned to her station at 5.35..