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Central Appeals Committee

WHO WE ARE—We are a group of voluntary workers, each associated with a branch or guild, who believe that the financial needs of the R.N.L.I. are urgent and that the new money necessary to meet the previous deficits and rising costs can be best provided by voluntary effort and central or national Appeals.

We are doing this work over and above our voluntary work with our local branches which we believe ensures that the Central Appeals Committee, which is representative of each life-boat district in England and Wales, is in touch with current life-boat fund-raising ideas from all districts where our functions are carried out.

We are not a group of people which is going to show everyone else how things should be done. We entirely respect local branches and the wonderful voluntary service of everyone associated with them.

THINGS THAT ARE HAPPENING National Balloon Race. The release will take place on Sunday, 15th November, 1970, not the 8th November as previously stated, for it would not be proper to hold the event on Remembrance Sunday. So many balloons are expected to have to be released that, taking into account the regulations designed for air safety, it is impossible to release them from one point in one day. The public will be welcome to attend the release taking place at the Sea Cadets Head- quarters, Redhill, Surrey. Information regarding the arrangements can be sought from the South East District representative, Mr. F. Carl Seager, M.B.E., Robins Close, Buckland, Betchworth, Surrey. Other releases will take place from Air Training Corps Headquarters, Reigate, Surrey, Brockham Big Field, Dorking, Surrey, R.A.F. Kenley, Surrey, and Stockwell College, Bromley, Kent.

Branches are particularly requested that unsold labels should be returned direct to Mr. Seager so that they can can be sold on the release day if possible. Over 200 branches are taking part in this project. The money they raise goes to the credit of their own branch account.

SUGGESTIONS APPRECIATED The many suggestions that have come from branches and guilds throughout the whole of the country are greatly appreciated. I do hope that you will keep writing to me with your ideas which I am always pleased to receive at 28 Chislehurst Road, Orpington, Kent.

It is a tremendous task to raise £550,000 of new money to replenish the sum that had to be taken out of the General Funds to meet the deficits of 1966/7/8.

We are determined to succeed, but it should be clearly understood that the money raised will be credited to branch accounts from where it emanates, so the success of the Central Appeals Committee projects will result in bigger branch collections.

In the next number I shall be reporting progress on other projects, in parti- cular the important national walk which we are planning for the spring.—R.N.C.

•Details of the CAC, whose chairman is Mr. Norman Crumble, were given in the April Journal (page 82).
