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Arranmore, Co. Donegal - At 1.30 a.m. on 31st January, 1970, the life-boat coxswain had a request from Owey island for the use of the life-boat to take a young man, who was seriously ill with suspected meningitis, to the mainland. There was no doctor or nurse on the island and any boats available were unsuitable for the crossing in the prevailing weather conditions. The life-boat Mabel Marion Thompson, on temporary duties at the station, slipped her moorings at 2.45 in a south easterly gale force wind with a rough sea. It was two hours after low water. She went to Owey island and embarked the sick man at 3.30 and set off with him to Kincasslagh on the mainland. He was landed, and an ambulance took him to hospital, thereby saving his life.

The life-boat returned to her moorings at 6 o'clock..