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Life-Boat Christmas Cards and Calendars

LIFE-BOAT CHRISTMAS CARDS AND CALENDARS FOUR attractive and interesting life-boat Christmas cards are available this year.

A.—A card bearing an illustration reproduced from a painting by Stewart Henry Bell, hanging at Head Office, entitled 'A life-boat attending a wreck at the mouth of the Tyne, 1837'. Price Is.

B.—A plain card bearing the R.N.L.I. crest. Price 6d.

C.—A humorous/traditional card showing a novel way of carol singing collection. Price 9d.

D.—A card bearing a very attractive robin design. Price 9d.

All these cards are in full colour but are reproduced in black and white opposite to show potential customers more clearly the choice available.

The usual life-boat pictorial calendar will again be on sale at 7s., post free, complete with a special cardboard envelope. As in previous years the months will be spread over both sides of six pages and each will be headed by an attractive colour photograph of a seascape, several of them having direct lifeboat associations. The holiday tidal information given for the first time last year is again provided on the inside of both the front and back covers, and the front cover itself has been re-designed.

The pocket calendar this year bears an illustration showing the new Bembridge, Isle of Wight, life-boat. The calendar's price of 4d. remains unchanged.

Buying life-boat Christmas cards and calendars is an easy and effective way of helping the life-boat service. An informative leaflet, showing full colour reproductions, together with an order form, will be enclosed with the October number of THE LIFE-BOAT..