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Dunmore East, Co. Waterfori-At 11.20 p.m. on 6th December, 1969, the honorary secretary was told that flares had been sighted off Brownsford head. The life-boat Annie Blanche Smith slipped her moorings at 11.45. There was a south by westerly breeze with a slight sea, and the tide was ebbing. She came up with the fishing boat Kerwick at 12.15 a.m., her skipper and engineer being on board. Seven other crewmen had gone on a raft to the foot of the cliff.

The fishing boat was leaking so badly that an attempt to tow her would have been impracticable. Herskipper and engineer were therefore taken aboard the life-boat. The honorary secretary organised a cliff rescue party to rescue the seven crewmen, and the life-boat with the skipper and engineer on board returned to harbour. The life-boat reached her station at 2.30 a.m..