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Birthday Honours

Three serving coxswains and a retired coxswain of the R.N.L.I. were honoured with the B.E.M. in the Queen's Birthday Honours List. They were Coxswain Edward C. Larbalestier, of St. Helier, Channel Islands, Coxswain Robert Lee, Douglas, Isle of Man, Coxswain Derek Scott, of the Mumbles, and ex-Coxswain Matthew Lethbridge, of St. Mary's, Scilly Islands, who retired in 1956 but undertook the duties on shore of head launcher until March this year, his total period of service with the R.N.L.I. amounting to 60 years.

The Lord Mayor of London, Sir Ian Bowater, D.S.O., was named in the Honours List. He is ex-officio a member of the Committee of Management of the Institution. Mr. B. G. Blampied, who is chairman of the St. Peter Port life-boat station, received an award for his work in the Royal Court of Guernsey.

RALPH GLISTER AWARD Mr. Robert Stewart and Mr. Andrew Scott of Amble have been nominated joint winners of the Ralph Glister Award for the most meritorious service of the year carried out by the crew of an inshore rescue boat of the Royal National Life-boat Institution. The award is an annual one made under the terms of a gift.

The two men put out in the Amble IRB on the evening of 29th September, 1969, and rescued two members of the crew of an R.A.F. pinnace. They had to take their boat into heavily breaking water without regard for their own safety, and succeeded in rescuing two men who were clinging to a life-buoy..