Coverack, Cornwall - At 6.12 p.m. on 3rd September, 1969, the honorary secretary was told that a red flare had been seen about two miles south of Blackhead. Although the coastguards could not confirm this sighting, the life-boat William Taylor of Oldham was launched at 6.32. It was shortly after low water. With the support of a helicopter, the life-boat located the catamaran Swordfish of Plymouth with her engine broken down about five miles east of The Lizard. The crew of four had been unable to make any progress for some 36 hours and were without food. The life-boat took the craft and her crew in tow at 7.36 to a berth in Falmouth, owing to the heavy ground swell at Coverack due to strong north easterly winds. The lifeboat was secured to the customs quay at 10 o'clock and made ready for further service. The life-boat crew returned by road to their station until it was possible to rehouse at Coverack..