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Sonia and Majestic

Tynemouth, Northumberland - At 1.19 p.m. on 1st November, 1969, it was learnt that the motor boat Sonia was in difficulties about two miles south east by east of Tyne piers. The life-boat Tynesider was launched at 1.26 in a gale force west by northerly wind with a moderate swell. It was two hours before low water. The life-boat came up with the Sonia with seven adults and four children on board at 1.45. The motor boat's engine was unable to develop sufficient power to keep her head to the wind in the prevailing conditions.

A line was made fast and the lifeboat took her in tow to safe moorings at South Shields. She then returned down the estuary to check up on the motor boat Majestic which was anchored and appeared to be broken down just to weather of the Black Middens rocks. Having been assured that all was well, the life-boat returned to her station at 2.20..