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NOTICE All contributions for the Institution should be sent to the honorary secretary of the local branch or guild, to Captain Nigel Dixon, R.N., Secretary, Royal National Life-boat Institution, 42 Grosvenor Gardens, London, S.W.I (Tel: 01-730 0031), or direct to the Institution's bankers, Messrs. Coutis & Co., 440 Strand, London, W.C.2, or National Giro account number 545 4050.

All enquiries about the work of the Institution or about this journal should be addressed to the Secretary.

The next number of THE LIFE-BOAT will be published in July, 1970.

Stamps Mr. B. Smale, of 28 Stratford Road, Blacton, Chester, and Mr. R. Smart, c/o Flat 18, 81 Oak Hill, Woodford Green, Essex, are collecting used postage stamps in aid of the R.N.L.I. Readers at home and abroad are urged to support these appeals as the two supporters sell the stamps and send the proceeds to the institution.

THANKS FROM R.A.F, The R.N.L.I. has received a letter of appreciation from Air Marshal Sir Andrew Humphrey, K.C.B., O.B.E., D.F.C., A.F.C., for the help given when a Royal Air Force pinnace overturned at Amble (see page 94).

'I have', he writes, 'had the opportunity of seeing the papers stemming from the inquiry and I am writing to tell you how impressed I am by the speedy and very efficient way in which the call for help was answered. I have particularly noted the valuable and heroic work carried out by Mr. Stewart and Mr. Scott who were the crew members of the IRB.

The efficiency and gallantry of the life-boat service has always attracted the greatest admiration of all members of the R.A.F. It is our great privilege to be closely associated with you in this work and incidents such as this sad accident show how closely we have learned to work together.' Donation from Ship's Company The ship's company of H.M.S. Leander have given the R.N.L.I. £430 to help pay for an IRB for Margate, Kent. Mr. H. B. Fleet, the honorary secretary at Margate, who went to Portsmouth to receive a cheque for that amount from the officer commanding the vessel, Captain D. J. Bent, D.S.C., R.N., was told that the money was raised mostly in the Far East through competitions and raffles.

Apprentices Help Last year the Apprentices' Association of the National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, Middlesex, adopted the R.N.L.I. as their charity for 1969. Encour- aged by the Twickenham and district branch of the R.N.L.I., they held a spon- sored event at the Army Guards Depot, Pirbright, Surrey, during which the contestants had to tackle all the obstacles—31—along the official course. They were sponsored at 2d. a head for every obstacle cleared. In this way the appren- tices raised over £200..