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Whitby, Yorkshire - At 5.38 p.m. on 1st October, 1969, the coastguard reported that the m.f.v. Fairmorn had been in danger of going aground on the Upgang rocks and might attempt to make harbour. There was a heavy confused swell running at the harbour entrance. The life-boat Rosa Wood and Phyllis Lunn was launched at 5.55 in response to a later message from the coastguard.

She came up with the boat, which was pitching and rolling heavily in the confused sea, at 6.12. There was one man on board. The life-boat escorted the Fairmorn away from the danger area, and as it was not possible to enter harbour, they made for Scarborough. The fishing boat was left on safe moorings at Scarborough at 9 o'clock. Due to weather conditions it was not possible for the life-boat to re-enter Whitby harbour, so she remained at Scarborough overnight, returning to Whitby at 4.45 p.m. on 2nd October..