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Central Appeals Committee

A Central Appeals Committee of voluntary workers for the R.N.L.I. has been formed under the chairmanship of Mr. Norman Crumbie. Its terms of reference are: (i) To advise, through the Secretary of the R.N.L.I., on any matters affecting fund raising which may be referred to them and on any new ideas they may have and which they do not feel able to undertake themselves for raising new money and for improving existing fund raising methods, (ii) To raise about £500,000 of new money from new sources within the next four to five years as a first target inviting existing branches/guilds to participate in a particular project if they so wish, but not requiring or relying upon them to do so.

(iii) The operations of the committee will be subject to previous sanction of the Committee of Management and will be restricted to England and Wales, (iv) The concept and mode of operation of the C.A.C. will be reviewed from time to time and modifications or alterations proposed in the light of experience.

Mr. Crumbie writes: 'It has been my responsibility and honour to be chair- man of the Orpington and district branch since it was founded 22 years ago.

From my early associations with the Institution I felt that we were placing too much reliance on legacy income and not enough on the efforts of living people.

The value of legacy income should not be underestimated but it is unpredictable.

My view has been borne out by the succession of deficits incurred in the three financial years ending 1968 (now happily reversed in the 1969 accounts).

NATIONAL BASIS As a result, I determined to press my view to the Committee of Management and proposed that at the initiative of voluntary workers a new body should be set up to organise fund raising events on a national basis. Hitherto the Institution has had no organisation other than its own heavily worked staff" to undertake such projects.

After careful discussion, the C.A.C. is now a fact and we are preparing our first activities. May I therefore make the following points ?: 1—The money we seek to raise is new and additional money—no? just to replace existing events and revenue by new means.

2—We aim to be as self sufficient in our activities as possible and not to add to the work of the staff at Life-Boat House or at the district offices—never- theless we shall welcome their help when needed.

3—While we shall be grateful for the help of branches and guilds from time to time we recognise that voluntary workers are already giving their maximum efforts in most cases but some may be prepared to help occasionally.

4—All money raised in the area covered by a branch will be credited to that branch—the C.A.C. is not seeking to raise money to its own credit.

WIDE TERMS Our terms of reference are wide, covering both advisory and active matters.

To enable us to be as effective as possible, we shall be pleased to hear from branches and guilds, and indeed all people interested in the good of the life-boat service with suggestions for raising money. They will be considered by my committee. Where it is possible for us to use the suggestions we shall do so or make recommendations as to how they might be used.

A voluntary worker is being appointed to the committee to represent each life-boat district in England and Wales. The district representatives will alwaysbe happy to hear from readers. Contact may also be made with me or the honorary secretary direct.

I hope to visit all district conferences during this year and to be joined by the district representative. We want to make friends with the supporters of the life- boats and strengthen the wonderful voluntary team that exists throughout the country.' Appointments: chairman—Mr. R. N. Crumbie, 28 Chislehurst Road, Orpington, Kent (Tel.: Orpington 25631), representing London (South of the Thames), vice-chairman—Mr. J. R. Walton, J.P., South Shotton House, Stan- nington, Morpeth, Northumberland, representing North East District; Eastern District—Mr. C. J. Morehouse, The Kursaal, Southend-on-Sea, Essex (Tel.: Southend 66276), Midlands—Mrs. G. Keen, Furnace Mill, Wyre Forest, Nr.

Kidderminster, Worcs., South West—Captain T. G. Hornsby, 18 The Lawns, Crownhill, Plymouth, South Devon, South East—Mr. Carl Seagar, Robins Close, Buckland, Nr. Reigate, Surrey, North West—Mr. W. D. Opher, The Garth, Grange-over-Sands, Lancashire, London—Lady Norton, 56 Rivermead Court, London S.W.6. The honorary secretary is Mr. John Crowley, 32 Arnold Avenue, Southend-on-Sea, Essex.

In due course it is hoped to extend the Committee's activities to take in the remainder of the areas served by the Institution..