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A Dinghy

Workington, Cumberland - At 8.39 p.m. on llth September, 1969, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that he had received reports of a small boat flashing a white light about one and a half miles off Harrington. The signal appeared to be an SOS. At 9.43 the life-boat Henry Blogg, on temporary duty at the station, slipped her moorings in a strong south south westerly wind with a rough sea. It was two hours after high water. She came up with a dinghy, with four men aboard, at 10.5. The dinghy had just started to drift on to the weather shore. A line was passed, the boat was brought alongside and the men taken aboard the life-boat. The dinghy was made fast astern and taken to Workington, where the four men were landed and the dinghy secured in the harbour.

The life-boat returned to her station at 10.45..