Advanced search

None (4)

At 12.45 p.m. on 20th August, 1969, it was learnt that there was an injured man at Ballard head and that another man was stranded on the cliff. At 12.56 the life-boat R.L.P.

was launched in a fresh south westerly wind. It was one hour before high water. The life-boat stood off at the foot of the cliff while two members of the crew went ashore in the rubber dinghy. The injured man was attended to by a nurse who was at the scene. Both were transferred to the life-boat and landed at the slipway where an ambulance was waiting.

The life-boat then returned to Ballard head and took on board three of the police cliff rescue team and the second man who had been lowered down the cliff. They were landed at Swanage, and the life-boat returned to her station at 2.35..