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Valentia, Co. Kerry - At 12.10 p.m.
on 20th July, 1969, Valentia radio told the honorary secretary that the tanker Point Law had reported that a number of people were waving flags and flashing lights on the Great Blasket island which has no resident population. The life-boat Peter and Sarah Blake, on temporary duty at the station, slipped her moorings at12.30 in a fresh north westerly wind with a choppy sea. It was low water.
A boarding boat had been taken in tow and this was used to make a landing on the island where it was found that a party of ornithologists with their families had been marooned for several days. The boat which was expected to pick them up had failed to arrive, and food supplies had run out. Making a number of trips, the boarding boat transferred the party of 12 and their equipment to the life-boat. They were given food and hot drinks during the return passage to Valentia. The lifeboat returned to her station at 4.30..