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Calypso V

St. Peter Port, Guernsey - At 12.15 a.m. on 7th July, 1969, following reports of flares seen off the north east end of the island of Guernsey, information was received that the yacht Calypso V, with a crew of four, was in difficulties three and a quarter miles north west of Platte Fougere lighthouse. The life-boat Euphrosyne Kendal slipped her moorings at 12.30 in a northerly gale with a rough sea.

It was high water. The British Rail passenger vessel Sarnia, on passage to Weymouth, sighted the yacht and made a lee for her until the life-boat came up at 1.30 and had secured a tow by 1.54. The yacht was towed into St. Peter Port, and the life-boat returned to her station at 3.35. A donation to the Institution's funds was made by the owner of the yacht..