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Y L a News

THE Yachtsmen's Life-boat Supporters' Association is going from strength to strength as word gets about that a yachtsman who is not a member is like a ship without a rudder. As reported in the June issue of THE LIFE-BOAT, there is growing interest in the Y.L.A. abroad as well as at home.

Mr. A. J. Tyler, of North Harrow, Middlesex, reports that the Whitsun life- boat weekend arranged by the Felixstowe Ferry sailing club was a great success.

About £170 was raised for the life-boat service.

After the club had laid most of their plans, they were asked by the local fishermen if they could join in. They agreed to support a motor boat race from the club line, round the Cork lightship, and back. There were 17 starters.

In company with their local pilot, the club met the Harwich life-boat Margaret Graham at sea, fired maroons in welcome, and the salute was returned by the life-boat. A large number of motor boats then escorted the life-boat in. Among the guests at the club were all the wives of the life-boat crew.

Mrs. Peter Burwood presented the 'Sir Alec Rose Life-boat Cup'. Sir Alec, in turn, sent the club a good luck telegram.

Mr. A. M. Bentley, chairman of Air Rhodesia, Salisbury Airport, Rhodesia, said in a letter to the R.N.L.I.: 'On opening my May edition of YachtingMonthly I came across your application form appealing for contributions to the R.N.L.I. Although we have no seaboard to this country I am, nevertheless, a keen sailor at our local yacht club and therefore have the greatest admiration and respect for the services provided by your Institution.

'Unfortunately ... I am unable at this moment to express my admiration in more tangible form, but you may be assured that as soon as circumstances do permit I shall make the most generous contribution I can. In the meantime please accept this message as an expression of my high esteem.' TWO KESTRELS ...

Captain P. M. Lapsley, of the Abu Dhabi Defence Force, Arabian Gulf, who plans to return to England in October, writes: 'I have quoted my sailing club as being the "Abu Dhabi Sailing Club" (an institution which is almost a figment of my imagination consisting, as it does, of two very battered Kestrels and my own four-year-old Minisail). I hope, however, that I shall be able to boast membership of something a little more impressive when I return to England.' The West Briton of 19th June, 1969, commented in their leader: 'While somepeople spend small (and large) fortunes on boats for personal pleasure (and there is no law against that), others spend equally sizeable sums also on boats for R.N.L.I. use to save life'.

Current Y.L.A. Membership 2,769 (IOth September, 1969).