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Centenaries and Naming Ceremonies

The following life-boat stations celebrated their centenaries this year: Wey- mouth, Dorset; St. David's, Pembrokeshire; Salcombe, South Devon; and Wells, Norfolk.

At Selsey, Sussex, on 10th June the 48-foot 6-inch Oakley Charles Henry was named by Lady Sarah Fitzalan-Howard. Mrs. Graham Doggart, chairman of the Selsey life-boat station branch, opened the proceedings, Sir Eric A. Seal, K.B.E., C.B., a Vice-President of the R.N.L.I. and Chairman of the Finance Committee, handed over the life-boat, and Mr. D. D. Cockayne, the station honorary secretary, accepted her.

The new St. Ives, Cornwall, life-boat Frank Pen/old Marshall, a 37-foot Oakley self-righting type, was named on 12th June by Mrs. Dagmar Marshall in memory of her husband, the late Lt.-Col. Frank Penfold Marshall, O.B.E.

Surgeon Capt. F. W. Baskerville, C.B.E., L.M.S.S.A., R.N. (retd.), a member of the Committee of Management of the R.N.L.I., accepted the life-boat on behalf of the Institution, and Capt. T. Stevens, honorary secretary of the St. Ives station, received her on behalf of the branch.

Lady Woods, wife of Admiral Sir Wilfrid Woods, G.B.E., K.C.B., D.S.O., Chairman of the R.N.L.I., named the new Rhyl, Flintshire, life-boat Har-Lil on 4th July. The life-boat, which was provided out of a legacy left by Miss J. B.

Watts, of Newton Mearns, Renfrewshire, is a 37-foot Oakley. Admiral Sir Wilfrid Woods handed over the boat to the care of the Rhyl branch, and the boat was accepted by Mr. J. M. Owen, honorary secretary of the Rhyl station..