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Y L a News

THERE has been a good world-wide response to the Yachtsmen's Life-boat Supporters' Association which, as announced in the last issue of THE LIFE-BOAT, was launched by Sir Alec Rose, the round-the-world sailor, at the International Boat Show in London in January. Applications for membership have been received from Kenya, Greece, Persian Gulf, Seychelles, Norway, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, the U.S.A. and Canada and, of course, the United Kingdom and the Irish Republic.

Mr. L E. D. Wateridge, of Ruiru, Kenya, who has joined the Y.L.A., said he thought it was 'a splendid scheme'. He added: 'Being up country we are perforce "freshwater sailors" on Lake Naivasha, but even that can have its moments—rescuing the crew of a dinghy sunk by an indignant hippo could rate as unusual even in the wide and magnificent experience of the R.N.L.I.!' On 1st April when Sir Alec Rose opened an extension to the premises of Messrs. Duncan, yacht chandlers, in West Nile Street, Glasgow, there was a Y.L.A. corner.

'CURIOUS PEOPLE' Mr. L. E. L. Sills, of Keose, Isle of Lewis, in a letter to Yachting World for April, 1969, said: 'What curious people yachtsmen are! As far as I know, no R.N.L.I. Life-boat or "Z" Boat has been presented to the life-boat Institution by the yachting community. The Civil Service has presented several life-boats; in no time, those children who watch "Blue Peter" whipped up enough for four "Z" Boats; why should their enthusiasm for the R.N.L.I. reach such heights and the yachting community apparently take little or no interest ? 'When one considers the fantastic price of boats these days, even dinghies costing hundreds of pounds, and medium sized cruising boats from £10,000 to £30,000; no yachting gadget costing less than £1; when the petrol we use going to and from our week-end sailing is so expensive; and what the young beer drinkers and the older gin drinkers press eagerly into the pocket of the Chancellor of the Exchequer, as they recount their sailing adventures in the bar—£3 is a very small sum to give to help to pay our whack for any trouble and expense to which we may put the life-boatmen and the R.N.L.I.' Current Y.L.A. Membership 2,140 (6th June, 1969).